C40 Students Reinventing Cities

In November 2020, the C40 Students Reinventing Cities competition is launched. Maddy, Thomas Heinrich, Gabriel Townsend Darriau and Maya Jain form a team to explore and solidify an urban design philosophy with like-minded peers and to continue developing Value Collective. Their proposal, Futurs Possibles, includes Value Collective as a measure for bottom-up urban development.

Futurs Possibles advocates for the integration of systems thinking into cities’ ways of working and creating. It includes 6 guiding principles that are interrelated, complementary and non-exhaustive. The principles underpin a series of processes to bring to life the enabling, supportive and incentivizing qualities of a citizen-steered city-backed development process. To illustrate the futures made possible by their proposed philosophies and policies, the team composed a series of short stories. 
Read the English submission here.